Historial de Producciones de Alumnos...

Curso: 5to año
Materia: Inglés Técnico Medicina
Año: 2016
Profesora: Ivana Serrano Avila

Partes del Cuerpo

Luego de recordar los nombres de las partes del cuerpo, aprendimos sus nombre anatómicos así mismo como los de los huesos más importantes y algunos músculos.

Para saber cuánto podíamos recordarlos, en 4 pequeños grupos tuvimos que etiquetar en una de las compañeros las distintas partes del cuerpo en su localización exacta, en un tiempo de dos minutos. Ganó el grupo que pudo hacer la mayor cantidad de etiquetas en ese período de tiempo.

El resultado:


Curso: 4to año
Materia: Inglés
Año: 2016
Profesora: Ivana Serrano Avila

Asesinato en la Calle 4
La siguiente es una producción de dos alumnos de 4to año quienes tuvieron la consigna de inventar una historia incluyendo una lista de vocabulario, tiempos verbales y expresiones lingüísticas. Sólo tuvieron la hora de inglés para hacerlo.

Esta es la historia seleccionada:

Murder on 4th Street
Once upon a time there was a murder on The Fourth Street; Boston. The detective Marcus was drinking a bottle of chocolate milk when he got a call on his cellphone.
-Marcus! You have to come all the way from New Jersey to solve this crime! It´s incredible.
-I´ll be there tomorrow. – Marcus answered. He was a brilliant detective.
Marcus grabbed his pencil and a notebook and left New Jersey. When he got to the crime scene, he saw the victim lying on the floor, with a cut on her throat; it was a beautiful woman with blond hair.
-The cut is deeper than usual. The killer must have wanted to end with this girl. – Said an officer.
-He must have used a knife. The victim has also bruises on her skin. They look really strong. Maybe he used a hammer - added detective Marcus. – I´m going to look for witnesses.
Marcus went to visit a neighbor and asked some questions:
-Have you seen anything Sr.? – Asked him.
-I have never seen anything like this before. It´s terrible. – Answered the neighbor.
-What were you doing when the victim was killed? – Marcus kept asking.
-I was at home, reading a book, when I heard screams, so I took my shotgun out and started to look outside when I saw him. He was wearing a hat. A black one.
-Good Sr., you can keep doing what you were doing.
Marcus grabbed some money and went to a kiosk to buy cigarettes. He looked at the seller. He was wearing a hat and he looked quite nervous. Marcus had a click on his brain.
-Excuse me Sir. Do you sell hammers?
-Oh yes! We have lots of them in different varieties. I think you could even kill a person with them, haha.
Marcus took his cellphone out and called the officer.
-I think we have solved this crime.

Julieta Rhaiel e Iván Cafaro

Construcción de Ciudadanía
Curso: 4to año.
Prof. Andrea Franco
Ciudadanía y Huella Digital 
Alumnos: Cáfaro - Clebot -  Dalmasso - Fabbroni - Fernández - García Rojas - Goncalves

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